5 fundamental activities for your online growth

In this article I will tell you about 5 of the most important activities that we use daily for the constant online growth of BASE315 and which we just can’t do without.

The set of these operations and the way in which each of them is managed and dosed create what I call the “perfect recipe”, a recipe that every company should test on itself and constantly optimize, so as to obtain the best dish that our customers have ever tasted.

The perfect recipe is our operational strategy and must be jealously guarded; think what would happen if Coca Cola accidentally disclosed its ingredients.
How many competitors would emerge in a short time able to steal market share?

So, speaking of ingredients but not doses – those you will have to test according to your times and your resources – the ones I propose below are the tools that I constantly use and that I hope will help you to make your recipe. perfect.

Keep in mind, however, that these elements do not necessarily suit your personal recipe, or your company and your lifestyle; I therefore advise you to use them only if you recognize their potential and decide to integrate them into your modus operandi.

But let’s get to the point; Here are the five best activities (arranged in random order and not of importance) that will improve your online communication:

1) Post on the company blog

The blog , as you well know, is a very useful tool that allows us to insert new contents such as news, articles, guides and more on our website.

A site rich in good content is generally well seen in the eyes of search engines, will get a good ranking (if the pages are created with technical criteria) and, basically, will receive a good influx of visits of potential customers and customers already acquired.

This is why it is advisable to dedicate some time, as I am doing at the moment, to write quality articles that are able to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of our visitors.

Sometimes the blog gives added value both to our company and to whoever writes the post, making it become, in the eyes of the visitor, a real authority in the subject matter and, often and willingly, increases the possibility of contact for new assignments.

2) Use social networks

The data does not lie, we are in the age of social networks !!
Many people love to chat, share posts with friends and family, read news and follow pages directly from their favorite social networks. It is no coincidence that the terms “influencer” and “follower” are increasingly widespread.

Let’s face it: who doesn’t know Facebook?
Even an elderly person knows it, maybe he doesn’t use it, but he has heard about it.
If millions of people pass through a channel like Facebook every day, perhaps it is the case not to miss the opportunity to benefit from it; what do you say?

Being on a Social Network allows us to open a new communication channel with all our potential customers or with customers already acquired, registered on the Social in question.

Despite the fact that many people spend their time in these virtual environments for pure fun, this should not lead to underestimating the potential of these tools and the use that can be made of them for business purposes.
Be careful, therefore, not to make mistakes by opening random accounts on various social networks and then realizing that you do not have the right time to manage them or that you are not prepared to do it in the right way.

My personal advice, if you are not a large company, is to open one at a time by establishing a priori a minimum time to devote to it per week.

3) Create a newsletter

Think of having a list of 10,000 leads of potential customers; metaphorically speaking, each of them represents your target, or a future customer.

Now think about your message; your message is your bullet.
It must be precise, meticulously detailed and created specifically according to the target you want to hit.

Now think about the newsletter; the latter is your rifle!
There are many types of newsletters and with different costs, which must be evaluated on the basis of criteria that, for reasons of time, we will not address in this article.

Once you have chosen your shotgun, you are ready to fire!!

In a few moments, your message will be sent to all your subscribers; if done well, the return you get from this business will be incredible.
Again, the tests speak more than a thousand words.

Advice: do not buy lists from third parties; these email lists are “dirty”, ie they contain emails that are no longer used, often outside your target and fake accounts.

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4) Optimize your SEO site.

Answer the following question; would you rather have a shop located in the main street of an important city or on a remote mountain where three climbers pass a month?

If you answered on a mountain I advise you not to start a business…

The shops located on the main street of a large city can be compared to the results that appear on the first page of a search engine.
The question is: how do you get there?
SEO is just that, that is the set of activities that allow us to reach the top positions drawn up by a search engine.

Getting to the tenth page probably doesn’t interest anyone since most users stop at the first page of the organic listing.

SEO is a complex activity that, if carried out in depth, requires time and tools that often only a professional has and knows how to use, but it is, at the same time, an activity that can give great results in terms of corporate image and increase in clientele.

5) Activate pay per click and similar campaigns


Finally, I conclude the article, with tools such as Google AdWords and the like; tools made available by some Social Networks that allow us to create ads that will be displayed by a target audience, i.e. an audience that we will carefully select when creating the pay per click campaign.
Each time a user clicks or views the advertiser’s ad, the advertiser will see the invested budget decrease slightly but will have brought a new user to their website or will have gotten a new view of their ad.
Also in this case, if well managed, the system can offer big results for the investing company.

I would like to underline that all the activities described above must be carried out professionally to obtain good results; otherwise, they can even lead to negative effects.

Therefore, I recommend contacting a professional to request the performance of the service itself or for advice combined with a training plan.

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