Phishing: Emails that contain a scam attempt

What are they and how to recognize scam emails In this article we intend to briefly explain what a phishing email is and how to recognize, since it frequently happens that some of our customers call us to ask for clarification on an email with suspicious content. It is, in fact, an increasingly widespread and […]
The best email marketing tools

What is Email Marketing? Email Marketing is one of the marketing tools most used by companies, for sending commercial and non-commercial communications to the target audience. The sending of communications must be constant in order to build stable relationships between brands and consumers, to retain the end user and to stay in contact with existing […]
How to convert an electronic invoice from xml to pdf

With the introduction of the obligation of electronic invoicing between individuals which came into force in January 2019, it has become a need for many to be able to convert invoices from xml to pdf format. This need is encountered above all by those who are exempt from this obligation (for example those who fall […]
Chatbot: what is it, what is it for and why is it important?

Every company that operates on the web has its own methods to contact who may be a potential customer and maintain contact with those who already are. E-mail is the basis, the necessary, the first tool that comes (and has already come) to the mind of anyone who has started reading this article. But what […]
The PEC: let’s clarify a bit…

This article aims to clarify the PEC, a valuable tool to support companies and professionals but still, for some, an illustrious unknown. What is it? Let’s start by saying that the acronym PEC stands for “Certified Electronic Mail”. This allows you to easily understand how the PEC has something more than ordinary electronic mail, or […]
Webmail or mail client?

I am about to write this article because many of our customers, to date, do not have a clear idea of the difference between the use of webmail or a e-mail client, in addition to the advantages that can derive from the choice of one or the other solution. Let’s start by specifying that webmail […]
How to insert a symbol in the subject of emails

More and more often you will receive emails containing symbols inside the subject. Normally these emails are for advertising purposes; perhaps they are newsletters or reports relating to portals, applications or communities to which we are subscribed or, more simply, individual promotional messages. These symbols are inserted within the subject line of the emails because, […]
What is an IP address

Every day we use the internet to communicate, exchange information, work, play and spend our free time. The devices we use to connect to the internet are now many; we move from traditional PC, to smartphones and tablets, to routers, up to many state-of-the-art appliances. To ensure that all these devices communicate correctly with each […]
Creating a list of files using the MS-DOS prompt

Whether you use your PC for work or for pure fun, I think this article will really help you as it will allow you to perform one of those actions that the Windows operating system is unable to perform without installing additional programs. You will surely have already had a list of files or folders […]
Trace the owner of a web domain

It often happens that you want to know the name of the owner of a particular domain or website or; it might seem strange but it is not at all, that you have lost your data used during registration. Although this data is important and should be kept carefully by the owner of the domain, […]