Mandatory data for a company site

When creating a company website, you need to ask yourself this question: what information about the company do you need to enter?

In fact, in order not to incur heavy penalties it is necessary, when creating a website, to know exactly what information it must obligatorily contain.

In this regard, it is necessary to consult the reference legislation and, in particular, Articles 2199 and 2250 of the Civil Code, which state the following:

– Art. 2199 “The entrepreneur must indicate in the documents and correspondence, which refer to the company, the register in which he is registered [2250].”
– Art. 2250 “In the documents and correspondence of the companies subject to the obligation of registration in the register of companies [2188], the registered office of the company and the office of the register of companies in which it is registered must be indicated [2188, 2199, 2200] and the registration number.
The capital of joint-stock companies, limited partnerships and limited liability companies must be in the deeds and correspondence indicated according to the amount actually paid and as it appears in the last financial statements.
After the dissolution of the companies referred to in the first paragraph, it must be expressly indicated in the documents and correspondence that the company is in liquidation [2484 ff.].
In the documents and correspondence of joint-stock and limited liability companies, it must be indicated whether they have a single shareholder.
The deeds of companies established according to one of the types regulated in chapters V, VI and VII of this title, for which registration or filing is mandatory, may also be published in a specific section of the business register in another official language of the Communities. European, with sworn translation by an expert.
In case of discrepancy with the deeds published in Italian, those published in another language pursuant to the fifth paragraph cannot be opposed to third parties, but these can avail themselves of them, unless the company proves that they were aware of their language version. Italian.
The companies referred to in the fifth paragraph that have an electronic space for communication connected to a public access electronic network provide, through this means, all the information referred to in the first, second, third and fourth paragraphs. “

Ultimately, the data that companies must necessarily indicate on their website vary according to the type of company in question.

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It is therefore necessary to distinguish according to whether it is a:

a) Partnership

These are the so-called simple companies (s.s.), general partnerships (s.n.c.) or limited partnerships (s.a.s).

These companies must indicate the following data on their website:

  • company name;
  • address of the company’s registered office;
  • tax code/IVA number;
  • business register office where the company is registered and registration number (REA);
  • certified e-mail (PEC);
  • possible liquidation of the company.

b) Joint-stock company

These are the so-called joint stock companies (S.p.A.), limited partnerships (S.a.p.a.), limited liability companies (S.r.l.) and simplified limited liability companies (S.r.l.s.).

The latter, in addition to the data requested from partnerships, must also indicate:

  • value of the paid-up share capital, as shown in the latest financial statements;
  • the eventual state of liquidation of the company;
  • the possible status of a single-member company (in the case of Spa or Srl with a single shareholder);
  • any company or management and coordination body to which it is subject

Where to place this information?

It is best to place this data in a point of the easily accessible site.

In our opinion, the ideal is to use the footer for this purpose, so that the same information can be viewed whatever the page you are visiting.

Alternatively, such mandatory data can be placed in a page created for this purpose, by inserting a link in the footer that points to the page itself (NB: The IVA number, pursuant to article 35, paragraph 1, of Presidential Decree no. 633 of 1972 and resolution no. 60 of 16.05.2006, must necessarily be indicated on the home page).

Furthermore, information relating to the processing of personal data and the use of cookies, which we will discuss in the next article, cannot be missing.

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